Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Arabic update



بدأنا بنشاط المطالعة (القراءة الحرة) حيث يستعير كل تلميذ قصة من مكتبة المدرسة ، تتناسب ومستواه الفكري والعلمي  لمدة أقصاها أسبوعين ، خلال هذه الفترة يقرأ التلميذ كل يوم ما


تيسر له قراءته . وحبذا لو كان ذلك بحضور ولي الأمر، يستمع لقراءته الجهرية، يصحح له أخطاءه، يساعده فيما استعصى عليه من معان لغوية، أو يساعده على تدوينها في دفتره


للرجوع  إلى المدرسة. بذلك  نكون  قد حققنا الهدف المنشود من القراءة ( القراءة الجهرية السليمة -  الثقة بالنفس - تنمية الثروة اللغوية - وتوسيع مدارك التلميذ )      


التقويم :- بعد كل قراءة تخصص حصة لمناقشة ما قرىء باختيار خمسة من التلاميذ يشاركون زملاءهم ما قرؤوه .


ما اسم الكتاب ؟   ما عنوان الكتاب ؟   ماذا أعجبك في القصة ؟ ولماذا ؟  ماذا لم يعجبك في القصة ؟ لماذا ؟   ماذا تعلمت من القصة ؟



جزاكم الله خيرا على تعاونكم


مدرسة الفصل أمل


Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Speech competition update

Persuasive essay


Speech Competition Selections

Dear Parents,
I hope all is well and everyone is good health.  We are looking forward to this year’s speech competition. Throughout grade 4-8, the students have worked very hard. They have given us their 100% and we all wish we could select more than three students from each class. We are very pleased with all the effort everyone made. A pat in the back is well deserved.

Although students had a tight schedule to work with, they were given an outline guiding the structure of the speech. This outline explained how to write:

1. Outline of the Essay:

·         Introduction – which included attention grabber, thesis, and qualifications

·         Body- reasons (telling listeners why they should act or think the way they are suggestions, the students were asked to convince the audience in their body through finding evidence to support their reasons.) throughout the body, students were asked to have a smooth transition from one paragraph onto the next one and this emphasis was made throughout presentation and while editing student works.

·         Conclusion- summary, memorable ending and thanking the audience for listening.


2. The grading rubric covered the following areas:

·         Introduction grabs readers attention ( scale 1-4) 1 = low and 4= high

·         Thesis presents issues and writers point of view

·         Reasons are in order of importance

·         Evidence supports each reason for opinion and reflects a consistent point of view

·         Body elaborates upon reasons and evidence

·         Readers concerns or counter-arguments are addressed

·         Transitional words and phrases, parallel structure, and repetition create coherence

·         Conclusion: restates opinion, summarize reasons, and /or includes a call to action.

Both the outline and rubric were given to students beforehand.  Students were graded based on criteria 1 and 2.

We hope this clarifies any confusion regarding the selection of the finalists.
Tr. Merve

Language update

Dear Parents,

A quick update, we are currently working on persuasive essay. As you know, the speech competition is this Wednesday February 27, 2013 and the topic is 'character is key'. For the past week and this week, students have been working and preparing for the competition. Over the past few days, students have been presenting their speeches to classmate.  They have worked really hard and a lot of dedication has been put into it. I'm very proud and pleased with every essay I have heard so far. We have selected three students to repersent the grade 5 in the speech competition. We are looking forward to hearing the speeches as a class.

As well, the ski trip will be on ThursdayFebruary 28, 2013 as a reminder.

The week of  March 4 - March 8 we will be working on the book reports. The book reports will be on the 'The Cay'. The outline of the book report will be handed out to students on Friday and will be posted as soon as the outline is discussed with the students.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Tr. Merve

Monday, 25 February 2013

Math update

Alsalamo alikom dear parents

math updates

students will have a math test on chapter three ( all the lessons except lesson 7)

Due date: Monday March 4.

Jazakom Allah Khairan


Monday, 11 February 2013

Social St.

Dear parents,

Hope all is well and everyone in good health .I have posted a detailed outline of the project. The rubric will be sent home with your child at the end of the day. There will be class time/ computer time dedicated towards the project. Any additional work, will be done as homework.


Tr. Merve

Social St Project



1.       Your assignment is to design a game to be played by other students that will allow them to successfully learn about our Canadian Government.

2.       In group of four, you will organize your research material into a board game. Suggested formats include:

a.       Jeopardy,

b.      Trivia

c.       Pursuit

d.      Monopology

e.      Snakes and ladders

f.        others

3.       Your group will research the structure and function of the Canadian government. The following topics must be covered:

a.       Level of government: Federal, Provincial, Municipal

b.      Branches of Government: Executive, Legislative, Judiciary

c.       House of Commons and Senate

d.      Canadian Executive Office – the Governor General and Minister

e.      Steps taken for a bill to become a law.

4.       Each of the above topics (1-4) must have a minimum of 6-8 questions (you can use cue cards) for a total of 30 – 40 questions for your game. Design cards with questions on one side and answers on the other.

5.       Be sure to include all necessary pieces, colors to make it interesting and ensure that your group test the games prior to the game fair. (Possible pieces include: labeled board game, task cards, dice, timer, different player pieces etc).

6.       Include symbols, graphics, and logos on your card. Make them colorful. Mount them on hard paper so they will be durable. Laminate it if possible.

7.       This game is to be as realistic as possible and therefore must also have a set of detailed TYPED INSTRUCTIONS and should describe how your game meets all required components of a successfully marketed board game.

There will be class time/ computer time to work on your board game.  Any material needed for the project, must be brought to class in order to work on the board game.  You will have four periods to use towards the project, use them wisely. 





Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum


The MS-Read-A-Thon has now come to a close. All the students who have participated in this worthwhile cause must bring their reading kit back to school no later than Wednesday, February 14, 2013


Thank you for helping such an important cause. 





Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Arabic update

أولياء الأمور الكرام السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.


في هذه الفترة غطينا في منهج اللغة العربية العديد من الموضوعات الشيقة ذات الطابع الاتصالي بحياة التلاميذ والتي تخدم الفروع الأخرى من المنهج الدراسي مثل ( الدراسات الإسلامية والاجتماعية والخلقية ).


في القراءة انتهينا من درس (القنبرة والفيل) حيث تعرف التلاميذعلى كتاب كليلة ودمنة وكاتبه ومترجمه  وكذلك البناء الفني للقصة والمغزى من دراستها وكيفية تطبيق مافيها من مثل وأخلاقيات في حياتهم.


في النصوص تم تدريس نص ( اليمامة والصياد ) - كرديف لدرس القراءة - حفظا وفهما كما قام التلاميذ بنثر النص إلى قصة نثرية هادفة.


أما في القواعد فقد تم تدريس الفعل وأنواعه ( صحيح - مهموز ) وإسناده إلى ضمائر الرفع المنفصلة ، وكذلك الأفعال الخمسة وإعرابها وقد تم


التدريب عليهما  قبل اختبار التلاميذ فيهما.


شكرا لكم تعاونكم الرجاء مواصلة هذه الجهود لتحقيق الهدف المطلوب


مدرسة الفصل

أمل الجلاد



Quran update

Quran: Update from Tr. Samia

We Finished reciting and memorizing Surat 

Al.Haaqah Alhamdullah we will have a test on all of Surah onTuesday Februrary 12th Insha Allah . This test will be on Tajweed rules, reading rules and memorization of the whole

surah. I will send a Quran rubric of this test with 

your child, please sign it and send it back. To practice Quran with your child please use this website and go to Sheik Ibrahim Alakhadar:  



Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month of Januray

1.Samrah A.
2.Shaafi M.
3.Sumayya K.
 4.Hafsa H.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.