Monday 14 January 2013


AlSalamo Alikom dear Parent/Caregiver:

Over the next two weeks, your child will be learning about division using decimal

numbers. The focus of the lessons will be on estimating and calculating an answer,

called a quotient, when dividing a decimal number to hundredths by a whole number.

Computations such as these occur in everyday life, such as dividing items that

are sold in kilograms (e.g., 2.25 kg), dividing distances that are measured in metres

(e.g., 1.35 m), and calculating averages (mean). It is important for your child to be able

to estimate a quotient with confidence before using mental math, pencil and paper, or

a calculator to divide. Throughout the chapter, your child will be asked to give reasons

for choosing a particular calculation method.

Throughout this time, you and your child may engage in activities such as:

• Determine the height (in metres to the nearest hundredth) of a totem pole that

could be carved in a room of your home.

• Measure the distance other people walk in 10 steps and calculate the length

of one stride.

• Find several products that are sold in whole kilograms or litres (e.g., 4 L of milk,

2 kg of peanut butter, 2 L of pop). Ask your child to explain how the amounts

could be divided into 4, 5, or 6 equal portions.

• Use store flyers to find the cost of 4 items that come in packages of 2 to 9.

• Plan a lunch and investigate the best buys for the food items.

• Collect scores for 2 or 3 teams for a sport your child enjoys. Discuss with your

child which team they think has the best standing.

You may want to visit the Nelson Web site at and follow the

links to Nelson Mathematics 5, Chapter 10, for more suggestions to help your child

learn mathematics and for books that relate children’s literature to division and

decimal numbers. Also check the Web site for links to other sites that provide online

tutorials, math problems, and brainteasers. If your child is using a Mathematics 5

Workbook, pages 88 to 97 belong to Chapter 10. There is a page of practice questions

for each of the eight lessons in the chapter and two Test Yourself pages at the end. If

your child requires assistance, you can refer to the At-Home Help box on each

Workbook page.


Jazakom Allah Khairan
