Thursday, 13 October 2016

Arabic Classes

Arabic language GR:5 class name             سعد بن ابي وقاس                            Tr.Sahar
Assalamu  Alaicum Dear Parents:
Thanks to God we started our curriculum by reviewing the basic language skills. For Grade 5, there are three classes per week with each class being 50 minutes long.
Homework: Please refer to the student’s agenda.
Typical Homework: Practicing reading the lesson aloud (Please focus on this as it is important), continuing uncompleted class work, or reviewing for a dictation test that we practiced in class.
The Arabic classes have been divided into two levels (5A; 5B):
Our class is level 2 and is called (سعد بن ابي وقاس) and is taught by me, Tr. Sahar.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan