Saturday, 10 December 2016

Math Test - Friday

Ch 3 test/Friday Dec 9th
  • Bar graph
  • Broken line graph
  • Mean, mode, range
  • Line graph
  • Ch review Q1,2,3 + PWB pg. 27+ skills bank Q6

Toy Sale

Displaying SK Toy Sale.jpg

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Arabic - Tr. Nesreen

إلى الأهالي الكرام,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته, و بعد,

سنبدأ بمشيئة الله مشروع القراءة القصصية من خلال الموقع الالكتروني الرّائع :
سنبدأ حاليا بالمستوى المتوسط 

 أرجو الالتزام بالواجب المحدد

, "الواجب ليوم الاثنين: قصة " القمر و القبّعة
1. استمع للقصة, ثم اقرأ على الأقل أول خمسة صفحات.

2. أيضا على الطلبة حفظ أول أربعة أبيات من قصيدة الصبر, سيتم التسميع يوم الإثنين القادم.

أ. نسرين زاهده ( صف عبد الرحمن بن عوف).
Nesreen Zahedah, B.Sc.
Quran & Arabic Language Teacher

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Arabic - Tr. Sahar

Assalamu alaicum Dear Parents,

I ask Allah you are doing very well. I would love to recommend this great website:

 with high resolution for leveled Arabic stories, videos, games,....etc. It has the same concept of RAS KIDS in English. Please, encourage your child to listen and re read from it in a daily basis.

Jazakumullahu khairan,
Tr. Sahar,
Arabic and Quran Teacher,

Monday, 28 November 2016

Arabic Test - Friday, Dec. 2nd

Assalamu alaicum Dear Parents

The students will have Arabic test on  (  أسرتي   )  Page  32- 33- 34 - 35  on Fri  2/12 /2016

Jazakumullahu khairan,
Tr. Sahar,
Arabic and Quran Teacher,

Monday, 21 November 2016

Science Project

Science Project
Energy-Efficient Home
Due Monday, Dec 5th
First Check: Nov 28th

Design and construct an energy-efficient home that uses renewable energy as much as possible.
Please follow the guidelines listed below:
  • Work could be individual or in pairs. So, you can work alone or with one other student in grade 5.
  • Work on the design and construction will be done at home not in school. Time at school could be used to ask questions or discuss ideas and suggestions.
  • Find information you need in your textbook, other books, online, ask parents, etc.
  • Use any kind of materials to make your home, but make sure it is of moderate size and that you can easily carry it to school. The only materials not allowed are glass and sharp dangerous parts.
  • You don’t have to use the real materials used in building homes: for example, use clear plastic bag for windows instead of glass, use cardboard for walls, construction paper for solar panels, etc.
  • Label the parts that are helping your home be energy efficient: example, “Triple-paned windows that trap the heat inside”, “Solar Panels to provide electricity”, “Rubber strip around the front door to prevent the cold air from coming in”, etc.
  • Prepare an oral presentation 3-4 minutes discussing your home: how your design helps to conserve energy, materials used, challenges you faced and how you could improve it in the future.
  • First check is on Monday,  November 28th, and it will be marked. For the “First Check”, you should show me that you have started working on your project by providing one of the following:

- a colored sketch/drawing of your home on your Science Journal
- a short description of the features in your home on your Journal
- a list of the materials needed for your home on your Journal
- email me a picture of yourself working on your project.

Enjoy Your Time!

Monday, 14 November 2016

Math Test - Thursday, Nov. 17

Math Test-Chapter4

Thursday November 17,2016
·         Addition and subtraction of whole numbers/decimal numbers using mental math strategies
·         Use estimation to decide if the answer to a given problem is reasonable
·         Addition and subtraction word problems, similar to what we covered in the class
·         Adding money and calculating change from purchases
·         Chapter review Questions: 3,5,7,9,10,11 on pg 122-123 

Friday, 11 November 2016

Science Quiz - Tuesday, Nov. 15th

Science Quiz

  • Tuesday, November 15th, 2016
  • Review worksheets page 73, 74, 75, 76

Monday, 7 November 2016

Arabic Updates - Tr. Nesreen

اللغة العربية -  الخامس الابتدائي- صف " العبّاس بن عبد المطلب" - المعلمة : نسرين زاهده.
السلام عليكم:                                                  
*للصف الخامس الابتدائي 3 حصص لمادة اللغة العربية لهذا العام ( الإثنين ، و الأربعاء, و الجمعه ) من كل أسبوع ،وقت الحصة 50 دقيقة.
*الواجبات المنزلية … الرجاء متابعتها من أجندة الطالب في أيام حصص مادة اللغة العربية المشار اليها.

أرجو عدم التردّد في مراسلتي  في حالة وجود  أسئلة أو استفسارات.

                                                                           جزاكم الله خيرا .. المعلمة نسرين زاهده
                                                                                        صف العبّاس بن عند المطلب
                                                                                 يمكنكم التواصل معي عبر ايميل المدرسة

Friday, 4 November 2016

Math Test - Monday, Nov. 7

Math Test-Chapter2

Monday November 7,2016
  • Writing whole numbers in words form, expanded form, and standard form
  • Sketch a block model for whole numbers
  • Ordering and comparing whole numbers & decimal numbers
  • Rounding whole numbers to the nearest ten thousands and thousands
  •  Rounding decimal numbers to the nearest whole number & tenths
  • Word problem similar to what we’ve done in the class.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Quran Updates


We have finished surah Al-Maarij and Mashaa Allah all the kids did a good
Inshaa Allah we will start with surah Al-Haqqah.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Polar Expressions Writing Competition

Student Contests

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

The Grade 5 students will once again be participating in the annual Polar Expressions Writing contest for students across Canada.  The students will be writing a short story that must not exceed 450 words.  The story should be original and not use any fan fiction or real names.  It must also be Islamically appropriate, as some of the stories will be published and our students will be representing Abraar School.  Students are asked to submit their typed short stories on Tuesday, November 15.  In addition, they can submit a poem (32 lines or less) by Tuesday, November 1 (optional).  I look forward to reading the students' creative submissions!

Thanks for your ongoing cooperation,
Tr. Salma

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Quran Test

Quran Test

Test on Surah Al-Maarij on Thursday, October 27th, 2016.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Arabic Writing Test - Tr. Sahar

Assalamu Alaicom Dear Parents,
Gr 5 will have writing  test in(  في المدرسة - معلمتي ) Oct 21
We are reviewing  everything in the class.  

Friday, 14 October 2016

Arabic Reading Test - Tr. Sahar

Assalamu Alaicom Dear Parents,
Gr 5 will have reading test in(  في المدرسة - معلمتي ) Oct 19
Jazakumullahu khairan,

Tr. Sahar,
Arabic and Quran Teacher,

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Date Change For LA Test

Assalamu alaikum Dear Parents,

Please note that the date for the Language test has been changed due to the CTBS testing. The Grade 5 students will have their first Language test on the Short Story Unit next Tuesday, October 18. The students will be expected to be familiar with the questions and stories covered in class throughout the unit.  There will be a short in-class review early next week to aid students in preparing for the test.

Jazakum Allahu khairan,
Tr. Salma

Arabic Classes

Arabic language GR:5 class name             سعد بن ابي وقاس                            Tr.Sahar
Assalamu  Alaicum Dear Parents:
Thanks to God we started our curriculum by reviewing the basic language skills. For Grade 5, there are three classes per week with each class being 50 minutes long.
Homework: Please refer to the student’s agenda.
Typical Homework: Practicing reading the lesson aloud (Please focus on this as it is important), continuing uncompleted class work, or reviewing for a dictation test that we practiced in class.
The Arabic classes have been divided into two levels (5A; 5B):
Our class is level 2 and is called (سعد بن ابي وقاس) and is taught by me, Tr. Sahar.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Science Quiz - Oct 18

Science Quiz

  • Tuesday, October 18th, 2016
  • Please review text book pages 4 to 13
  • And worksheets pages 65 to 72

Updates - Arabic Test

إلى طلبة الصف الخامس " العباس بن عبد المطلب" / أ.نسرين:

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته, و بعد,

أرجو التمرّن على اختبار اللغة العربية في الدرس الأول "ذكريات مدرستي". سيتم الاختبارالأسبوع القادم في التالي:

1. معاني الكلمات في الكتاب صفحة 11.
2. أسئلة الكتاب صفحة 12 ( فقرة أجيب عن الأسئلة).
3. إملاء في بعض كلمات النص المحتوية على مدود ا, و, ي.

ملاحظة: سيتم التمرّن على كل ما سبق فيالصف.

جزاكم الله خيرا
Nesreen Zahedah, B.Sc.
Quran & Arabic Language Teacher
Abraar School

Friday, 30 September 2016

Updates - Sept 30


  • First unit: Conservation of Energy.
  • Students should have all materials during class: text book, Science Journal, worksheets, and Science duo tang.
  • Homework is being assigned from the worksheets.
  • Work covered so far: living and non-living resources, renewable and non-renewable resources, forms of energy and energy in our daily life.
Visual Arts

  • Eid Kaaba's were completed and marked last week. 
  • This week 5A was working on "Fall Leaf" art using coloring pencils and crayons on paper.
  • We should complete these next week and have them marked.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Math Updates - Tr. Ahlam

Dear Parents,
Asalamu Alaikum
I hope this message finds you well and in good health.
During the month of September, students are exploring patterns and methods of organizing and displaying information about patterns. They will now apply their understanding of patterns to other concepts such as money, multiplication, and division. By the end of this unit your child will be able to identify, extend, create, and solve problems that use patterns. They will also be asked to use different organizational methods to display their information, such as tables, and charts.
Throughout this time, you can engage your child in activities such as:
  • Your child can look for patterns he/she sees in daily life, around the house, and in the community. Make a list of these places and create a chart to display them
  • Your child can create hi/her own counting pattern, involving all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
  • Your child can create an artistic 2-dimensional pattern or a 3-dimensional structure.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your help and cooperation in this matter.

Ahlam Rashid, (Math Teacher)

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Welcome To A New Year

Dear Parents, Sept 6th, 2016

Assalamu Alaikum,
It is with great pleasure and excitement that we welcome you to a new academic year at Abraar School! This year, as the Grade 5 & 6 students grow and prepare for the next stages of their education, they will have the opportunity to learn/explore their interests in the different subject areas  alongside all 5/6 staff members.

The (subject) teachers of each of the Grades 5 & 6 classes are as follows:
5/6 Math
Tr. Ahlam
5/6 Language
Tr. Salma
5/6 Science,
5/6 Art,
5/6 Gym/Health (Girls)
Tr. Dina Z.
5/6 Social Studies,
5/6 Islamic Studies,
5/6 Gym/Health (Boys)
Tr. Abu Yusuf
5/6 Arabic
Tr. Nesreen
5/6 Arabic
Tr. Sahar
Gr. 6 French
Gr. 5 French
Tr. Said
Tr. Nadia
Gr. 5 Quran
Gr. 6 Quran
Tr. Ibtissam
Tr. Hoda Harb

           All subject teachers will keep you informed and up-to-date using a combination of email, blog updates and the student agenda. Checking these items regularly will keep you aware of topics of work, projects/quizzes/tests/assignments, upcoming school events/dates, volunteer opportunities/class field trips and will assist you and your child in getting the most out of his/her education.
Kindest Regards,

Abraar School Grade 5 & 6 Staff

Friday, 10 June 2016

Important Message From The Librarian

Dear Parents,
Asalamu Alaikum

I hope this message finds you well and in good health.

We need your immediate help, please. We are in the process of gathering up all of the overdue library books. Students with overdue books received a library notice and a request to return the overdue books to the school library as soon as possible. Please make sure that your child  returns all of his or her library books.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your help and cooperation in this matter.

Nancy-Ann Brethour
School Librarian

Quran Test

Assalamu Alaikum respected parents

Ramadan Mubarak to you and your loved ones.

Inshallah test will be on Wednesday in ALL OF surat Al Mulk

The test includes new vocabulary, please ask your son/daughter about their notebooks where they wrote them down. 

Mashallah now your son/daughter have 2 Juzu' memorized wa alhamdulillah 

Baraka Allahu feekom