Monday, 30 November 2015

Scholastic Book Fair

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
I hope this email finds you well and in good health.
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school this week, inshaAllah!  For more information about the book fair, please look at our Scholastic Book Fair flyer.
Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.
Nancy-Ann Brethour
School Librarian
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation.

Toonie Tuesday Tomorrow

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

Thursday, 26 November 2015


As salamu alaykum,

NOTE: Deadline to submit timings for PTI night is this Friday Nov 27th.

Social Studies:

Grade 5's have been assigned a short 2 week research project. They have been instructed to: 
1) Choose a level of Government and a Government Program/Service that exists at that level
[e.g. Federal Government - Canada Post]

2) They have to summarize information they collect about the Program/Service, including the name and logo, location, clients, etc.)

The information they collect must be presented neatly, in an appealing way, and must include all the information outlined in class.

The 1st Part of the Project is due on Dec 8th.

Islamic Studies:

The students have been learning a lot about several of God's Prophets.This week along with some in-class review of the Prophets topic, we are beginning to introduce the children to the concept of Khusoo' 

Boy's Health

Please remind your son that he should collect 1-3 nutrition facts labels from snacks that he frequently eats (if his snacks don't normally have labels/nutrition facts then he can bring any nutrition fact labels that he can find around the house. 


Our marked quizzes (Skeletal/ Circulatory Systems) were sent home on Monday, Nov 23. Please check, sign , and return them to the teacher. 
Our first Science gallery for this year "Bio Life Gallery" will be held in Elementary Gym on Friday, November 27 @ 9 am to 11 am. Parents are welcome.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015


Assalamu Alaikom Parents/Students.

Islamic: The class is continuing to learn about the different Prophets in Islam. Their lineage, their miracles, and their common character.

Social Studies: Congratulations to the new Grade 5 Prime Ministers and their Political Parties. In class we are learning more about the levels of government and laws to prepare for our trip to the parliament next week.

الأهالي الكرام,

تمت مشاهدة الرابط التالي من قبل الطلبة بخصوص السلوك المستهدف لهذا الأسبوع و هو (( لا للتّنمر )) , أو ما يعرف بالعامية ( لا للبلطجة).
قام بعض الطلبة بإبداء رأيهم باللغة العربية الفصيحة,ذاكرين لبعض القصص من حولهم, و مستنكرين لهذا الطابع السيء من المتنمرين.

معلمة اللغة العربية:
أ. نسرين زاهده

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Science Project - Due Nov 23

Science Project

Human Body System
Due Monday, Nov 23
First Check: Week of Nov 16

Design a 3D model of a human body system. Please follow the guidelines listed below:
     The model should be no less than the size of a large cereal box.
     Use any kind of material to make your model: wood, clay, wires, balloons, plastic, fabric, cardboard, etc. The only material not allowed is glass and sharp dangerous parts.
     Show all the organs clearly.
     Label the different parts of your model clearly.
     Attach a short explanation to your model (typed or neatly hand written) describing how the system works and what its major function is.
     Your model should be able to stand by itself on a flat surface. This is important for the display during the Science Gallery in December.
     First check is during the week of November 16-20 and is graded. Please show me that you have started working on your project by providing one of the following:
                                    - a colored sketch/drawing of your model on your Journal
                                    - a draft of your short description on your Journal
                                    - a list of the materials needed for your model
                                    - email me a picture of yourself working on your model

Enjoy Your Time!

Arabic Updates - Tr. Nesreen

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

تلاميذي الأعزاء, الرجاء تكملة جميع تمارين كتاب القراءة و كتاب القواعد التي لم يتم تكملتها من قبل الطالب فيما تم دراسته  و تطبيقه مسبقا. سأقوم بتجميع الكتب خلال الأسبوع القادم لتصحيحها.

الأهالي الكرام, أرجو الاطلاع على نتائج اختبار القراءة للغة العربية, و توقيع النتيجة, و إعادتها يوم الإثنين.

جزاكم الله خيرا