Friday, 30 October 2015

Arabic Test - Tr. Nesreen

Curved Up Ribbon: اختبار القراءة

30 أكتوبر 2015
اختبار القراءة

إلى الأهالي الكرام:

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته 
سيعقد اختبار القراءة للغة العربية للصف الخامس في يوم الإثنين القادم الموافق 2 نوفمبر 2015 بمشيئة الله.  سيتم الاختبار في جميع النصوص  التي تمت دراستها , و معاني الكلمات التي في الكتاب, و الأسئلة التالية من التمرين الأول ( أجيب  عن الأسئلة ) :
1-" ذكريات المدرسة " : الفقرة 3 من السؤال الأول + ما الذي منع الولد من الهروب في رأيك؟
2- " درس عن الهاتف " : الفقرة  1, 2 من السؤال الأول.
3- " الصديق عند الضيق " : 1, 2 من السؤال الأول.
ملاحظة: ( تم حل جميع الأسئلة في دفتر اللغة العربية للطالب او في الكتاب).

عند تسجيل علامة الطالب , سيؤخذ بعين الاعتبار المهارات التالية:
مستوى التقويم
مهارات التقويم
         4            3              2                1
القراءة الصحيحة للكلمات و الجمل
         4            3              2                1
التهجئة الصحيحة للحركات
         4            3              2                1    
فهم معاني المفردات
         4            3              2                1
فهم و استيعاب النص و الإجابة عن الأسئلة الموجهة

مع تمنياتي لتلاميذي الأعزاء كل النجاح و التوفيق. و جزاكم الله خيرا لحسن تعاونكم.

معلمة اللغة العربية
نسرين زاهده

Weekly Updates

Assalamu Alaikom Dear Parents and Students.

NOVEMBER CHARACTER TRAIT: Cleanliness (Taharah) - this weekend is a great opportunity to start talking to your children about the shared responsibility we have for keeping our places of work/leisure clean and organised in shaa Allah.

SOCIAL STUDIES: The students will be drawing the election campaigns to a close and will be voting in our Grade 5 Government/Prime Minister. In a few weeks we will also be travelling to Parliament to learn more about how/where Canada's laws are created at the highest levels of government.

ISLAMIC STUDIES: We will be learning about some of the Prophets of Islam (Musa/ Hud), and Muslim Fashion before we take a more in-depth look at Prayer in Islam.

Math Updates
InshaaAllah grade 5 will have their Math test on Friday, November 6th in Chapter 2.

Science Updates:
We are still working on the Circulatory System and next week we have an interesting activity to understand how blood moves in our body.

Grade 5 students are participating in the 2015 Polar Expressions Writing Contest.  Students are asked to submit their short stories for the contest by November 17. The stories must be a maximum of 450 words in length.

Quraan Updates:
For 5A, nshallah their Quraan test is not on Wednesday. It will be on Thursday.

Arabic Speakers: Exercise #2

Math: TenMarks Assignment due Tuesday
- Finish Math booklet
- Chapter 2 Test Friday Nov 6

Saturday, 24 October 2015


Assalamu Alaikom Dear Parents and Students. 

Science Updates
  • We are concluding the Respiratory System and will start Circulatory System next week.
  • Quiz on Monday, October 26. Study p. 55, 56 from duo tang.
  • Homework p. 61 from duo tang.
  • Sign and return the marked quiz.
  • Anti-Smoking posters due Monday, October 26 
Art/Drama Updates
  • We've had a successful art workshop this week, alhamdu lillah. Students enjoyed drawing and coloring fall leaves.
  • Students will present their short skits about "Cooperation" this week.
  • Please send to school any unwanted items for our drama/art centers (clothing, hand bags, eye wear, table cloth, apron, kitchenware, curtain, art supplies, ...)

Monday, 19 October 2015

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
I hope this email finds you well and in good health.
I hope that your fundraising for the Terry Fox Run is going well, inshaAllah. It is wonderful to see so many pledges already coming in!
Please note that Monday, October 26, is the deadline to return all Terry Fox School Run Pledges and monies to the library.
Thank you for your help in this crucial fight against cancer. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.
Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.
Nancy-Ann Brethour
School Librarian
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

The National Terry Fox School Run day is this week, inshaAllah. For more information concerning this important cause, please click here to view the flyer.

Thank you for your support in this crucial fight against cancer. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.


Nancy-Ann Brethour
School Librarian