Friday, 28 February 2014

French Updates

February 27, 2014
French Updates
·         We are almost done the last activities related to the story “Un Jour Bizarre”. Tuesday, March 4, 2014, we have the last French test related to this unit.
The test has 4 sections:
-          Dictée #4
-          Les questions partielles related to the story
-          Le verbe Avoir au present
-          Les adjectifs  possessifs

Spelling vocabulary list:
      1)     Je veux travailler avec mon ami.
2)      Qui a fini son travail ?
3)      Tu peux passer les feuilles.
4)      Le Canada a gagné la médaille d’or de hockey.
5)      Je fais mon projet avec mon  / ma partenaire.
6)      Hier, j’ai fait du ski avec mes amis.
·         Next week, we will start our new story “Le Chat Angora”. This story is about a cat, detective Angora, whose mission is to find the most dangerous thief, a very clever mouse.  We will do the same type of activities.

·         Here are some websites for learning French. The last one is for ordering the story for grade 7 if you wish to buy it.
·         If you wish to buy the DVD of the story, This is the website from where you may order it:

Amina Ould-brahim, OCT, PhD

French teacher and Science Coordinator