Thursday, 20 December 2012

Holiday update

Dear Parents,

Teacher Rania and I have made homework packages for them to take home. We have handed them to the students.

The Cay: They are to read from chapter 4 - 7.
Grammar: There is 5grammer worksheets for the students to complete.

Social St:
They have two sheets to read + worksheet that comes with them.

Islamic St:
 They are to read chapter 3 and 4. They are to work on the workbook for chapter 3 and 4.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday.


Tr. Merve

field trip update

Dear Parents,

A quick update on the field trip:

Unfortunately due to the storm, I had to cancel the trip for Friday, December 21, 2012.  I have rescheduled the field trip for Friday January 11, 2013. It will be the first friday when we come back from the holidays. I pray and hope you will have a wonderful holiday and a safe one to.


Tr. Merve


Abraar School 4th Annual Quran Competition 2012-2013

·      Registration:  All entries must be registered with Tr. Samia and must be received by January 31st, 2013.

(No registrations will be accepted past this date).

·      Judging Criteria:  Students will be judged based on memorization, rules of recitation (Tajweed), voice quality, and voice clarity.

·      Prizes: First and Second places in each age group will receive valuable prizes Inshallah.

·      More details and information will follow and for any questions please contact Tr. Samia.



Al Fateha, Annass, Al Falaq, Al Ikhlas and Al Masad. (5 Suras)
Al Fateha, Annass, Al Falaq, Al Ikhlas, Al Masad, Annasr, Al Kawther, Al Asr,  Al Feel and Quraish. (10 Suras)
Al Asr, Al Feel, Quraish, Al Kaferoon, Al Maoon, Al Homaza, Attakathor, Al Qareah, Al Adiat and Al Qadr. (10 Suras)
Al Zalzala, Atteen, Al Qadr, Al Alaq, Ashareh, Adduha, Allail, Ashams, Al Balad and Al Fajr. (10 Suras)
Al Gashia, Al Alla, Al Bayyana, Attariq, Al Borooj, Al Mutafifeen, Abasa and Al Infitar. (8 Suras)
Al Mutafifeen, Al Infitar, Atakweer, Abasa, Annaziaat, Annaba, Al Insan and Al Mursalat. (8 Suras)
Al Mursalat, Al Insan, Al Qiama, Al Mudather, Al Jinn and Al Mozzamel. (6 Suras)
Al Mozzamel, Al Jinn, Nooh, Al Maarej, Al Haaqa and Al Qalam. (6 Suras)
Al Qalam, Al Mulk, Attahreem, Attalaq, Al Monafiqoon and Attagabon. (6 Suras)
Al Hasher, Al Momtahena, Assaf, Al Jumoaah, Al Monafiqoon and Al Tagaboon. (6 Suras)


Wednesday, 12 December 2012

field trip

Dear Parents,

Field Trip Notice:

On Friday December 21, 2012, Grade 5  will be having in an indoor field trip that will be held in the school gym.  We have invited the Gloucester School of Pottery to come into Abraar School to work with the kids creating their own pottery. There will be no extra charges as the cost will be deducted from activity fees that you have paid in the beginning of the year. They will be exploring different material through sculpturing.  

A little about the pottery school:

The Gloucester Pottery School was founded in 1991. They are an incorporated not-for-profit organization with a volunteer Board of Directors.

They have grown from a very small entity operating out of a basement studio in the Cyrville Community Centre. Over the years they have expanded into the whole of CCC’s basement.

Their fully equipped teaching studio has 19 electric potter’s wheels, 4 electric kilns, a Bailey Gas Kiln purchased in 2011, a pugmill, slab roller, wall extruder, spray booth, and state-of-the-art cleaning facilities. The studio is also available for practice on a membership basis.

They offer over 80 pottery courses a year (some in French) for adults and teens from Level 1 through to Professional Wheel-throwing including (off wheel) Handbuilding classes. Their courses run on a semester basis starting each September, February, April and July and are taught by nine experienced instructors.



Tr. Merve

Monday, 10 December 2012

science project

Alsalamo Alikom Dear Parents
Students will have inshAllah their science Project for the "Force Factor" unit.
The Project will consist of 3 parts:
First Part:  Students have to create a brochure to introduce the 6 Simple Machines in a creative, attractive and organized way.
•          The brochure must include the names of the Simple machines, their functions; give examples (using names and pictures) of daily used machines that are        made up of one or more of the simple machines.
•          Explain how these simple machines make life easier.
•          Students have to follow the rubric to create the brochure.
Second part: Students have to invent a compound machine that is made up of two or more simple machines that they can use it as a toy or as a useful machine that can help to make any task easier for them (they can use parts of a broken toy, they can make a sample of any 2 simple machines and fix them together or they can just draw a compound machine and explain how their machine is made up of different kinds of simple machines.
Either inventing or drawing, students have to explain the parts of their machine, how it is useful for them, name the parts of simple machines they used, and they have to give a name for their machine.
Students have to follow the rubric.
Third part:  Students have to present their brochure followed by presenting the machine that they have created.
Students have to follow the presentation rubric.
Due date: After the Winter Vacation (07 Jan. 2012) all students must be ready with their:
•          Brochure
•          Their own machine
•          Their Presentation
•          Having all the rubrics with them.
The expectations of this project according to Bloom Taxonomy are:
Students will be able to: list, describe, explain, interpret, write, show, illustrate, advertise, plan, construct, design, examine, choose, verify, and create.
JazakomAllah Khairan.

Islamic studies

Dear Parents,
Just a quick update on what we are doing for Islamic St. We have been talking about Tawheed, Shirk, and Kufr. I have given them a pop up quiz and now we are working on a friendly letter. The essay question is at the bottom.  We will be working on it in class over the next few days Inshallah. The final copy will be typed and handed in.
Due to the testing that will be taking in class over the next few days,  the due date will be on Monday, December 17, 2012.
Process Writing
Islamic Studies: Tawheed

Write a friendly letter to someone who is not a Muslim and who does not know what a Muslim believes and how they worship God. Explain in the letter the definition of tawheed and its three parts. Give examples of how these are followed in one’s life. Explain to them how beneficial having the belief in tawheed actually is. Give personal examples.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve

Math test date change

Alsalamo Alikom dear Parents,


I hope that you are doing well inshAllah.

I would like to inform you that the Math Test that was to be on Tuesday December 11, 2012 will be postponed to Friday December 14, 2012  because of the CTBS that the school will be running from Tuesday to Thursday inshAllah.


JazakomAllah Khairan,
Tr. Rania

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Seplling list update

Dear Parents,

Hope all is well. I have made couple of changes for the spelling test. Please update the list if you are practicing with your child. Thank you for your cooperation. :)

Tr. Merve

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Spelling List

Dear Parents,

here is the list of words for the spelling test:

December 12

1. neither
2. height
3. foreign
4. chillier
5. freight
6. umbrella
7. relieve
8. easier
9. buried
10. received
11. studied
12. beige
13. telegram
14. shield
15. empties
16. recently
17. achieve
18. fiercely
19. unbelief
20. neighbourly
21. scripture
22. industry
23. whisper
24. attic
25. o'clock

December 19, 2012

1. couple
2. account
3. ought
4. saucer
5. compound
6. countries
7. coffee
8. foster
9. laughter
10. chalkboard
11. doubtful
12. naughty
13. downstream
14. information
15. heritage
16. automotive
17. calming
18. alternate
19. roughly
20. knowledgeable
21. chilly
22. loss
23. cough
24. astronaut
25. strawberries

Spelling Test dates

Dear Parents,

Here are the spelling test dates for the month of December:

1. December 5, 2012
2. December 12, 2012
3, December 19, 2012

Thank you,

Tr. Merve


الشعر الرمزي أو (الشعر القصصي ) سيشغل حيزا في منهجنا لهذا الفصل الدراسي ، ليكون رديفا للنثر القصصي. نحن الآن
ندرس نصا للشاعر: (محمد عثمان جلال  )


بعنوان (  الثعلب والعنب ) وهو نص قصصي رمزي ، وسوف يقوم التلاميذ بتحويل النص إلى أقصوصة رمزية  يتوافر فيها جميع العناصر الفنية لبناء القصة، وتتطرق إلى الأخلاقيات


والمثل العليا بأسلوب شيق وممتع بعيدا عن  أسلوب الأمر والنهي المباشر الجاف،  وتناسب مستوى أحبائنا الصغار،  تحكى لهم قبل النوم  وسوف نطلق عليها (حكايات جدتي).


وسوف يكون موعد التسليم - إن شاء الله- يوم الأربعاء الموافق 19 ديسمبر.


كيف سيتم التقويم؟   الغلاف الذي يجلب الانتباه  2-  العناصر الفنية للقصة (الزمان - المكان - الشخصيات .........)  3- سرد الأحداث وتسلسلها تسلسلا منطقيا 4- الرسومات المناسبة


للأحداث   5-  دقة وسلامة التعبير إملائيا .


       مدرسة: الفصل أمل الجلاد

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Math test

Alsalamo Alikom dear parents

We will have inshAllah a Math test in chapter 6.

The test will cover lessons ( 1,2,4,6,7,8).

Due date: Tuesday Dec. 11th.

Language- spelling test

Language: Spelling Test
Due: Wednesday December 5, 2012


December 4, 2012

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

I would like to take the time to update my parents on what we will be doing for the next few weeks in Language class. We are going to read "the Cay". Some of the parents might be familiar with the book but it is a story about an Eleven- year-old boy named Philip who is traveling on a ship that is torpedoed by Germans during World War II. He suddenly finds himself blind and floating on a wooden raft with a West Indian named Timothy. The raft drifts to a barren Carribean island, where the two unlikely companions remain stranded. With help from Timoth, Philip learns to survive and gradually overcomes his prejudice.

Thank you,

Tr. Merve :)


Girls Lock-In
Coming up….
Saturday December 8th, 2012
Pillow Fights
… and much more!

Quran update

Quran: Update from Tr. Samia


We are about to finish Surat Almaarij and Insha Allah we will have a test on all of the surah when we finish it . This test will be on Tajweed rules, reading rules and memorization of the whole surah , so please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheikh Ibrahim Alakhadar:  


Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month of November

1.Saad F.
2.Yomn E.
3.Ahmed A.
4.Ayesha M.


Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.


Monday, 26 November 2012

Arabic Class



انتهينا من درس ( غرسوا فأكلنا  ) قراءة وفهما واستيعابا . سيكون هناك امتحان في درسي (جحا والحمار) و ( غرسوا فأكلنا ) أسئلة  - معاني مفردات - جمل باستخدام الأساليب والتراكيب اللغوية


( لقد تم تدريب التلاميذ عليها) وسوف نقوم بمراجعة سريعة للدرسين يوم الاثنين إن شاء الله الموافق 26 نوفمبر  حيث سيكون الامتحان يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 27 نوفمبر


أما امتحان القواعد فسوف يكون يوم الخميس الموافق 29 نوفمبر في الجملة الفعلية (الأمر النهي النصب والإعراب ).


الرجاء الجلوس مع ابنتك\ ابنك  ومراجعة دروس الامتحان.                                                                                                         شكرا لكم تعاونكم


                                                                                                                                                                                              المدرسة امل

Friday, 23 November 2012

Homework - Monday November 25, 2012

French Homework: Finish all of French activities for Monday (cahier: 2A, 3A, 4A and 5A)
Due: Monday November 25, 2012

Language Homework: Biography + W.S
Due: Monday November 25, 2012

Have a wonderful weekend!

T. Merve

Monday, 19 November 2012

star of the week schedule

Star of the week

Dear students, here is the order of when each student will be going. Beside your name you will have a date. On that date, you are to bring in all your pictures and information. You will post it on the “star of the week” bulletin board. J


Student Name
1.       Aminah
Nov 19, 2012
2.       Somaya
Nov 26. 2012
3.       Aysha
Dec 3, 2012
4.       Samrah
Dec  10, 2012
5.       Hana
Dec 17, 2012
6.       Sama’a
Jan 7, 2013
7.       Yomn
Jan 14, 2013
8.       Misbah
Jan 21, 2013
9.       Fatimah
Jan 28, 2013
10.   Hafsa
Feb 4, 2013
11.   Sara
Feb 11, 2013
12.   Muhammad
Feb 18, 2013
13.   Aya
Feb 25, 2013
14.   Shaafi
March 4, 2013
15.   Mahad
March 11, 2013
16.   Ahmed
March 18, 2013
17.     Saad
March 25, 2012
18.   Doha
April 1, 2013
19.   Kewther
April 8, 2013
20.   Amira
April 15, 2013
21.   Abdullah
April 22, 2013
22.   Adel
April 29, 2013
23.   Naima
May 6, 2013
24.   Zainah
May 13, 2013
25.   Hosein
May 20, 2013
26.   Maryam
May 27, 2013
27.   Sumayya
June 3, 2013


T. Merve