Thursday, 28 May 2015

Islamic Book Fair

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

It is with pleasure that we invite you to come to the first annual Abraar Elementary School Book Fair. Please visit Noteworthy News and Events  on the school library website for more information on this exciting event!!

Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.


Nancy-Ann Brethour
School LibrarianFair

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Math Test

Assalamu Alaikom Dear Parents.

Grade 5 will have their Math test on fractions this coming Tuesday, May 26th inshaAllah. Please review the materials we covered in class.
Here is a great website to practice fractions:

Jazakumullahu khairan and have a great weekend.

Friday, 8 May 2015


Assalamu Alaikom Dear Parents.

Alhamdulillah we have had a very busy week! We enjoyed our field trip to the aviation museum. We saw some amazing and inspiring speeches yesterday (check your email for links to videos of the speeches).

Next week we will also have a few more activities: 
Monday May 11th - Tennis lesson
Wednesday May 13th - Community Day (classroom visits from guest professionals)
Thursday May 14th - School Photo ***MAKE SURE THE STUDENTS HAVE PROPER UNIFORM*** 


The students will continue novel study activities. Alhamdulillah the kids seem to be enjoying the novel "Ultra" by David Carroll.\

Geometry Test on Tuesday, May 12 in Chapter 7 (Lessons 3, 4, 5, 6) and Chapter 11 (Lesson 3, 7, 8, 9). Don't forget to review the work we covered on the notebook!
Next week, we will start working on Fraction inshaAllah.

Still working on Forces and Structures. We completed two very interesting activities: "Straw Bridges" and "Toothepick Trusses" before attending the workshop at the Aviation Museum (Forces Acting on Structures).