Saturday, 31 January 2015


Assalam Alaikom Dear Parents.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Jazakumullahu khairan.

Here is our latest from grade 5:

We are still working on Body Systems.
Alhamdu lillah, we have concluded our lessons on the digestive system last week, and started introducing the circulatory system.

Last week the students worked hard on mastering their long division, and mashaAllah they did an excellent job.
Next week we will start working on data management (Chapter 3), followed by measurement of length and time (Chapter 5) inshaAllah.

Students, keep up the good work!

Quraan Competition First Round Dates

Assalamu Allikum

For the students who have submitted registration slips for the competition, please be advised that the first round of the competition will start after the Family Day weekend  and will last until the beginning of March, so be prepared for this round according to the following dates:

 (Feb. 17 to Feb.20 )              JK, SK
 (Feb.17. to Feb. 20)              Grades 1.
 (Feb. Feb. 27)              Grades 2 and 3 .
 (Feb.17. to Feb 20)               Grades 4
 (Feb. Feb. 27)              Grades 5 & 6 
 (Feb.17. to Feb 20)               Grades 7 & 8 

On a final note, we would really appreciate any donations you can make in support of this competition. Jazakum Allah Khairan, no need to remind you of the enormous ajer in helping such a noble cause.
Those donations will go towards the gifts and trophies we will give for all of our students who participated.

Wassalamu Allikum

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Updates From Tr. Mohammed

Salamun alaykum,

Reports are fast approaching. Here are some of the topics being covered, along with the homework for Language and Social Studies

Language: - This week we will use our knowledge of opinion vs fact, and persuasive writing to learn a bit more about debating

- Autobiography Project due Friday
- Persuasive Essay due Friday
- Comm. Skills 86-93 due Monday
- Spelling Workbook 90-97 due Monday
- Spelling List #12 (test next Monday)

Social Studies: - Continue learning about Government in preparation for our trip to Parliament

Friday, 23 January 2015

News From The French Class

Friday, January 23, 2015
Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents
I hope you have had a nice Winter break with your family.
Our daily routine is drilling the vocabulary related to our daily activities. We are talking about activities at school or at home. Al Hamdulillah, students are gaining self confidence in speaking French during French class.
In class, we worked on our project” Une Fenêtre sur ma routine” and students did a great job overall.
We are working on the last activities related to the story “Un Jour Bizarre”: Écris l’histoire avec des mots différents and we will be doing our in-class play presentation next week Insha’a Allah.
·         Tuesday,   January 27, we are having the 3rd French test: spelling, Conjugation and vocabulary.
·         The spelling list for Tuesday is:
1.       alors                                           6.   et                                     11.  encore
2.       après  ca                                    7.   finalement
3.       en premier                                 8.  En deuxième
4.       cependant                                  9. A la fin
5.       puis                                           10.  maintenant
·         Conjugation of verbs aller, avoir and être at the present tense.
·         Vocabulary comprehension is related to vocabulary drilled daily in class.

Jazakum Allah Kheiran for your cooperation and your support.

Dr Amina Ould-brahim,
French teacher
Science coordinator

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Tr. Amal - Arabic Assessment Wed, Jan 21st

ولياء الأمور الكرام / السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

أتمنى للجميع الصحة والسلامة وبعد ,

أعلمكم بأنه سيكون هناك تققييم كتابي يوم الأربعاء القادم _ بأذن الله_ في  درس (خديجة بنت خويلد والحمامة المطوقة)   

وسيتم تقييم التلاميذ 

في النقاط التالية:

- الفهم والاستيعاب  ( الإجابة على الأسئلة)

- فهم معاني المفردات  الواردة في الدرس  وأضادها.

 - التعبير عن الصور بجمل مفيدة .  - ما الدرس الذي تعلمته من كل درس .

أرجو مساعدتكم في هذا الأمر  وأنا بدوري سأأقوم غدا - إن شاء الله - بمراجعة الدرس مع التلاميذ.

جزاكم الله خيرا

المدرسة أمل

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Science Fair 2014 - 2015

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

I hope you have had a restful winter break with your family.I have the pleasure  to inform you that this year Insha'a Allah grades 5 and 6  will be participating in the science fair that will be held on Thursday, March 26, 2015

For these grades, the participation is mandatory as part of  work involved will be done in class and the project will be evaluated. Students who wish to participate are required to work with a partner. Teachers Rania , Selma, Dina, Christopher  and myself are available to provide help when needed.

I am attaching the science fair handbook to help your child throughout his/her work.

Students  are required to fill out the registration form and return it to their teacher  by the end of January. Students are also  given the timeline to help them manage their time.

For any question, feel free to email me any time.

Jazakum Allah for your support and cooperation

Dr. Amina Ould-brahim,
Science Coordinator l
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation

click here for the Science Fair Handbook